Summertime Barbecues at DK House Matsudo
We have barbecues at DK house about once a month in the summertime.
Usually Nishii-san (“GG”) works the upper grill and Jason (the manager) works the lower grill.
It is a very efficient system for cooking many types of food at once!
This time we made Turkish Food: Grilled Mackeral sandwiches: Balık ekmek
But we also had the standard Japanese barbecue fare: eggplant, kabocha (squash), shrimp, eringi (mushrooms) etc.
普通は西井さん(”GG”)は上の焼き網の担当であって, ジェーソン(DK松戸のマネージャー)は下の焼き網の担当です。色んな料理を同時にあぶる為の高い効率のシステムです。
今回はトルコ料理でした。 Balık ekmek という焼きサバのサンド。